Would you hire an employee without first looking at their resume? Of course not. So why would you vote for a candidate without first knowing where they stand on the issues? The Wyoming Family Alliance Action Free Voters Guide provides Wyoming voters with critical information on candidates and where they stand on important issues impacting life, religious liberty, and family values, such as parental rights and educational freedom in Wyoming.
Wyoming Family Alliance produces this comprehensive guide, in partnership with iVoterGuide, to help Wyomingites cast a more informed vote. It is not an attempt to endorse or oppose any candidate.
Wyoming Family Alliance Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Wyoming Family Alliance, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for life, religious liberty, family, and educational freedom in Wyoming. For more information about Wyoming Family Alliance, please visit wyomingfamily.org The Free Voters Guide is funded by the generous donations of individuals like you. Your generous support will help us continue to provide this valuable resource. Now study the candidates, pray and vote informed!
© Copyright Wyoming Family Alliance Action
© Copyright Wyoming Family Alliance Action
Wyoming Family Alliance stands in defense of all innocent life from conception to Natural Death. For this reason, Wyoming Family Alliance has supported legislation to protect children from Chemical and Surgical abortion as well as the vulnerable from the coercion of Assisted Suicide.
Believing that freedom of the mind and heart is the foundation of all freedoms, Wyoming Family Alliance stands strong for the 1 st Amendment to the US Constitution. The 1st Amendment was carefully written to affirm that there would be no state religion, and that the government would not restrict the free exercise of one’s religious beliefs. Wyoming Family Alliance supports legislation such as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and other legislation that helps citizens when government power is used to demand conformity to secular religion.
Wyoming Family Alliance understands that the family is the foundational building block of society. Therefore, we will support legislation that assists families when it becomes apparent that government programs or elected officials impose ideologies that allow the government to become the masters rather than the servants to families in our state.
Wyoming Family Alliance believes that a child’s education should be driven by the family rather than government bureaucracy. Educational policy is best served in an “educational marketplace” that empowers parents to find the solution that fits their needs. Therefore, we support legislation that gives parents options such as Charter Schools, Education Savings Accounts, Homeschools, or empowers them in the Public School Environment.